Sunday, October 3, 2010


History on cell phones
Cell phone (i.e.; mobile phones) is an wireless medium that many people use these days communicate with due to its reliableness which saves ours times, portable, easy to use and many others uses and reasons. It seems that its hasn’t been used by people as cell phones are use today as little kids do have this(cell phones) tiny material. And According to reports, media, networking sites it is said that cell phones(mobile phone) history isn’t so long.
In 1843 AD a man named Michael Faraday studied to see if space could conduct electricity. This man named Michael Faraday lead to start the development on cell phones. In the year of 1865AD man named Doctor Mahlon Loomis was the first person to communicate through wireless media. Doctor Mahlon Loomis fronted with the idea of transmitting and receiving messages. Loomis had been awarded 50,000$ for this research in the field of communication.
In 1973 a Person by the named Martin Copper brought an model named Motorola. Cooper took the project and in 1977AD. The first cell phone was made in Chicago and 2000 model was given to the public for free trial. Then other companies started to produce cell phones(mobile phones) with simple design and which is big in size as they don’t how to small cell phones size as compare to today’s generation. The people didn’t know how to use cell phones. Later, in 1988 the large companies were established to produce cell phones (mobile phones) in 54 different places across the world by developed nation.
The future of cell phones from the year 1843 to today’s days has changes very dynamically. In the coming year cell phones(mobile phones) will change more than now its development has not been so long but, there is so vast changes in every cell phones(i.e.; its functions, its structure, its development, its uses, its varied models, its advantages, its disadvantages and its problems too.) In the coming year there will be need of social security number due to problems of mixing numbers (having same number in two or more than two cell phones) within the states, zones. In the future cell phones will be more advance so its problems sure gone increase and the house phone will be closed due to cell phones advance now in cell phones we are able to surfing the internet anywhere and anytime, watch movies, listening songs, playing games, text message, voice call, video call, listen to radio and loads and lots of many other functions in cell phones.
And in today’s generation, most of the people communicate through the cellular phones. It’s hard to accept as true that fifteen years before cell phones were infrequency now cell phones are i]n the hand of each and every individuals form child to aged.

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