Sunday, October 3, 2010

Development of cell phones:History 2

       The development (history of cell phones), we can trace below chronically how it developed up to current state:-

In 1843 A.D - A skilled analytical chemist named Michael Faraday begin exhaustive delve into does space could conduct current (electricity). Then Faraday exposed his great advance of nineteenth-century on science and technology and Faraday discovery have had an inestimable result on technical development in the direction of cellular (cell phone) phone development.

In 1865A.D – The person named Dr. Mahlon Loomis of Virginia, who is a dentist, was the first person to communicate through wireless medium (i.e.; cell phone) via the atmosphere. In Between 1866AD and 1873AD Dr. Loomis transmitted telegraphic mail at a space of 18 miles between the tops of Cohocton and Beorse Deer Mountains, of Virginia. Dr. Loomis developed a technique of transmitting and getting messages by means of the Earth's atmosphere as a conductor and initiate kites enclosed with a copper screens that were connected to the ground with copper wires. Then Dr. Loomis had been awarded amount of $50,000 for research grant by legislative body (Congress).

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